Illustration Sketchbooks - Exercise 3.2 Working with external visual impetus - people
Illustration Sketchbooks - Exercise 3.1: Understanding viewpoints
Illustration Sketchbooks - Exercise 3.0: Observation & topography. Where to draw. What to draw.
Illustration Sketchbooks - Exercise 2.6: Pareidolia
Illustration Sketchbooks - Exercise 2.5: Drawing with objects: A journey scrapbook
Illustration Sketchbooks - Exercise 2.4 Drawing with teabags
Illustration Sketchbooks - Exercise 2.3: Blind contour drawing
Illustration Sketchbooks - Exercise 2.2: Investigating a process
Illustration Sketchbooks - Exercise 2.1: Limited Line Drawings
Illustration Sketchbooks - Exercise 2.0: Rapid Sketches
Illustration Sketchbooks - Exercise 1.3: How personal do you want your sketchbook to be?
Illustration Sketchbooks - Exercise 1.2: Making Mistakes - working fast & cutting work up
Illustration Sketchbooks - Exercise 1.1: What is your relationship with your sketchbook?
Illustration Sketchbooks - Exercise 1.0: What sort of sketchbook should I use?
Illustration 1, Exercise 5.7 - Educational Strip
Illustration 1, Exercise 5.6 - Working For Children
Illustration 1, Exercise 5.5 - Packaging
Illustration 1, Exercise 5.4 - Text & Image
Illustration 1, Exercise 5.3 - Travel Guides
Illustration 1, Exercise 5.2 - Editorial Illustration