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Dan Woodward
Oct 19, 20215 min read
Graphic Fiction - Final Reflections
Coming to the end of this unit, I am pleased with how my confidence has grown with sequential storytelling. I have slowly but surely...

Dan Woodward
Sep 22, 20218 min read
Graphic Fiction - Assignment 5: Your Graphic Fiction
So, another stressful piece of work, which I will try my best to interrogate and unpack as part of this write-up. Having finished the...

Dan Woodward
Sep 1, 20212 min read
Graphic Fiction - Research 5.3: The Art of Comics
For this exercise, I had to read the introduction to ‘The Art of Comics: A Philosophical Approach’ (Meskin & Cook, 2012) and then write...

Dan Woodward
Sep 1, 20215 min read
Graphic Fiction - Exercise 5.3: Create an Artwork
For this exercise, I was a little surprised, as I already had a good idea about what subject I wanted to use. My little nod to The...

Dan Woodward
Aug 31, 20213 min read
Graphic Fiction - Exercise 5.4: Shoot a Photo Story
I had a little bit of experience going into this exercise, as I had to use photos as a backup for Exercise 3.3. For this exercise,...

Dan Woodward
Aug 14, 20212 min read
Graphic Fiction - Exercise 5.2: Make a Mini-Comic
This exercise was actually already very familiar for me, as I had elected to create a comic for Assignment 4 of Illustration Sketchbooks....

Dan Woodward
Aug 12, 20213 min read
Graphic Fiction - Exercise 5.1, Research 5.1 & 5.2
Exercise 5.1: Reviewing your own work For this exercise, I went back through my work over this unit and selected pieces that spoke to me....

Dan Woodward
Aug 7, 202111 min read
Graphic Fiction - Assignment 4: Cover Versions
I've been looking forward to this assignment, and I think that I have made a lot of progress throughout this section, so it will be...

Dan Woodward
Aug 3, 20213 min read
Graphic Fiction - Research 4.7: Autobiographical Comics
My responses to the provided comic "Nature Boy" by Daniel Clowes: Does the nine-panel grid create a rhythm and structure to the story?...

Dan Woodward
Aug 2, 20212 min read
Graphic Fiction - Exercise 4.7: A Day in the Life
I hated this exercise. It was far too ambiguous and open-ended. And honestly, my day-to-day involves me sitting for hours in one room....

Dan Woodward
Aug 1, 20215 min read
Graphic Fiction - Exercise 4.6: Documenting an Event
For this exercise, the task was to create a two-page comic narrative of an event (either news or domestic). The upside of being overdue...

Dan Woodward
Jul 24, 20217 min read
Graphic Fiction - Research 4.5: Funny Pictures
For almost eight years I lived and grew up in Saudi Arabia. We’d also come back to the UK from time to time for holidays and visiting...

Dan Woodward
Jul 22, 20214 min read
Graphic Fiction - Exercise 4.5: Caricature
For this exercise, I was to create a full-body caricature of a famous person. Usually starting something like this would be difficult...

Dan Woodward
Jul 19, 20214 min read
Graphic Fiction - Research 4.4: Comics Visionaries
In this research task I looked at four specific well-known comic artists. Wallace Wood Wood seemed to use the traditional approach of ink...

Dan Woodward
Jul 16, 20213 min read
Graphic Fiction - Exercise 4.4: Future Worlds
For this exercise the task was to create an image of a fantastical or futuristic world on a large scale (A3 or larger) based around four...

Dan Woodward
Jul 12, 20216 min read
Graphic Fiction - Research 4.3: Superheroes
For this research task I selected three of the four recommended collections: Batman, by Denny O'Neill and Neal Adams Watchmen, by Alan...

Dan Woodward
Jul 9, 20218 min read
Graphic Fiction - Exercise 4.3: Create a Superhero
For this exercise, I was tasked with creating a superhero (it didn't need to be a serious mainstream hero). The end result needed to be a...

Dan Woodward
Jul 2, 20213 min read
Graphic Fiction - Exercise 4.2: Create a Children’s Comic Character
For this exercise, I had to invent a character based on these prompts: Young Detective Space Kid Animal Character I needed to sketch up...

Dan Woodward
Jun 19, 20212 min read
Graphic Fiction - Research 4.2: “The True Story of Leopold and Loeb”
In this research task, I had to review the titular comic, and answer the following questions: How does the style and narrative treat the...

Dan Woodward
Jun 18, 20212 min read
Graphic Fiction - Research 4.1: Life Stories
Educational comics have been an area of interest for me for a while. I have been working on how to bring comics into my consultancy work...
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