Responding to a Brief - Exercise 2.5: A rose by any other name
Responding to a Brief - Exercise 2.4: Architectural illustration
Responding to a Brief - Research 2.5: Us and Them
Responding to a Brief - Exercise 2.6: There and back again
Responding to a Brief - Research 2.4: Imaging Technologies and Illustration
Responding to a Brief - Research 2.3: Architectural Illustrators
Responding to a Brief - Research 2.2: Fashion Illustration 1950-1990
Responding to a Brief - Exercise 2.3: Everyday Fashion
Reflections - Responding to a Brief Part 1
Responding to a Brief - Exercise 2.2: Drawing on Location
Responding to a Brief - Exercise 2.1: Drawing on the familiar
Responding to a Brief - Research 2.1: Courtroom Dramas
Responding to a Brief - Assignment One: Invisible Cities
Responding to a Brief - Research 1.4: Flat surface design
Responding to a Brief - Exercise 1.4: Visual Depth
Responding to a Brief - Exercise 1.3: Less is more
Responding to a Brief - Exercise 1.2: Mixing and Matching
Responding to a Brief - Exercise 1.1: Draw, draw and draw again
Responding to a Brief - Research 1.3: Visual Language
Responding to a Brief - Research 1.2: My own work