I am used to sharing my work, having produced videos of my work for Illustration Sketchbooks, so this was not really outside of my comfort zone. I did find it difficult to present a section that basically didn't really amount to anything, and had relatively little work produced that I could look through and present.
I don't think the video really describes my practice very well, but then I don't think the section as a whole really asks you to introspect and explore one's own practice, more it forces you to explore the practices of others, even when you can't relate to it.
I would have much preferred to had the opportunity to actually look at how I work in more depth, and have the opportunity to challenge, add or subtract to the process. Instead, I just feel like I have been asked to jump through nonsensical hoops.
I appreciate that after my scare, I may be coming at this assignment in a particularly pessimistic fashion, but I really don't care. The whole section is asinine.